Anything Car Wash

what we provide

At Anything Car Wash, we take great pride in providing all your car wash needs. We don't stop once the site is built and installed.

Unlike any other distributor, we offer in-house CAD drawings as well as in-house marketing. We can offer customized layout plans, signage amd marketing strategies to build customer and brand loyalty for your car wash site.


How well do you communicate your car wash image?


Equipment, location and customer service are all important factors to car washing, but utilizing car wash signage that creates and communicates your car wash image successfully can increase your bottom line. Car wash signage plays a significant role in gaining customer loyalty while creating a memorable impression with your customers. Your signage should be visually appealing and target the consumer’s mind so that it becomes easy for them to recall. In today’s saturated marketplace, signage is a way of life. Don’t let yours go unnoticed. You have to make sure your signs give off the right impression to your customers.

Anything Car Wash can make sure your car wash signage creates the lasing impression you need. Our Marketing and Design Department can assist you in branding your business.

We can establish an identity for your wash that promises value and establishes your reputation among your community while increasing customer loyalty. Our professionally designed signs are designed to stop traffic and captivate the customer’s attention. Your brand name sets you apart. Don’t lose out on profits because you haven’t properly branded your car wash.

Anything Car Wash works with multiple vendors to ensure that you receive top-notch signage packages and prices. We can customize all our signage packages to fit the needs of your car wash. Package this with out marketing capabilities and you’ve got an ideal partnering for increased revenue.

Some of the sign types we offer are:

+ Street signs

+ Building signs

+ Directional signs

+ Traffic control signs

+ Menu signs

+ Instructional signs

+ Promotional signs